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​《Holy Spit》

Chan Ho Sang, Ng Sin Yan, Wong Ting Kei

Saliva, Wood, Performance, Digital Graphic


Holy Spit is an art project involving performance and installation. It aims to bring a newer, deeper and clearing image of saliva to the audience and in the meantime bringing up the idea and connection between witchcraft, belief, and science. Holy Spit introduces the scientific facts of saliva through a disguise witchcraft ritual and five crystals in different forms made with saliva added and a set of saint photos. Each form of the crystals represents a witchcraft power and at the same time a saliva scientific function. And the participants will be blessed after the whole ritual not by any supernatural power but the participants’ brain trick because of a psychological effect.

螢幕快照 2019-05-24 下午7.29.14.png
螢幕快照 2019-05-24 下午7.28.51.png
螢幕快照 2019-05-24 下午7.28.58.png
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