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​《Me Too》

Ng Sin Yan, Wong Ting Kei

Readymade, wood

Music: How Much Is That Doggie In The Window - Patti Page


Me Too是在網絡上遣責性侵犯與性騷擾⾏為的社會運動。不少受過性暴力傷害的受害者,也因為這場運動站了了出來,為⾃⼰發聲。但可悲的是,不少受害者勇敢地發聲後,收穫到的不是⽀持和協助,反⽽是質疑和謾罵。事實上,可能會造成受害者的二次傷害。

於是我們做了了這個裝置藝術。⽤一個打地鼠機的形式去重現網絡的環境,從而諷刺這個荒謬的情況。 很多網民都會聲稱自己支持平等、支持對抗性暴力,支持公義。就像這個打地鼠機,可以⽤手去推動受害者去站在聚光燈下。就像背景⾳樂所播放的<How much is that doggie in the window> ,他們都美其名是為受害者好的,是真的支持。但當真有受害者站出來後,網民大多數的反應卻不是支持,⽽是懷疑和不信任。就像歌曲最後,歌手得到了拍掌,⽽那些⼝裡不一的網民是否也是為了得到大眾的掌聲和認同,才想發表些觀點出眾或符合大眾價值觀的⾔論呢?那些質疑的聲音就會像木錘⼀樣, 打壓受害者。觀眾在使用這個機器時都會感到那種荒謬和無力感。

我們希望透過這互動式的裝置藝術,可以呼預觀眾去關注⼀下Me Too這個運動。同時也希望他們能反思一下,當他們⾯對性暴力受害者的時候,他們作出的反應是否真的是⽀持受害者,⽽是對受害者做成二次傷害。

Many people who suffer from sexual assault stand up and voice for their own selves in the ‘Me Too’ movement. pathetically, many of them do not receive support and help after voicing out but doubt and criticism from the internet users. Thus resulting in the second victimization.

Our artwork uses the form of a Whac-A-Mole gaming machine to reproduce the absurd online situation. Many netizens always claim that they are on the same side of justice, equality, and against sexual violence. Like the Whac-A-Mole game, when they play it, they lift the lever to help the victims stand up. Correspond to the lyrics in the background music ‘How much is the doff in the window’, the netizens try to present in a way that they are always trying to support the suffering sectors.  However, when are victim really stand up, the negative and doubtful response from the netizens acts as a hammer which suppresses the victims. Are the netizens showing support just to fit the social norm, Are they criticizing just to seek attention? The audience can feel the absurdness and powerlessness when interacting with our work.

We hope that through our interactive installation, the ‘Me Too’ movement can be more widely spread. At the same time, audience can have a second thought on their responses towards sexual violence victims. Whether their responses actually help and support the victims or causing damage.

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-07 at 11.17.34 PM
螢幕快照 2018-12-02 下午6.07.57.png
螢幕快照 2018-12-02 下午6.08.37.png
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